We can help you save time and money! As a result of years’ worth of professional experience and continuous market research, we are aware of various up-to-date solutions for a range of issues. Whether it’s visual inspections or industrial software development, we can help you quickly make well-informed decisions on which devices you wish to use in order to carry out your tasks.

Over 10 years’ worth of experience!

Over 50 satisfied clients!

Over 150 completed projects!

Developing visual inspections
Preparing software-based concepts
Training for camera systems

Visual inspections
Feasibility studies
Inter-manufacturing tests – In-site tests
Implementation of visual inspections
Maintenance of existing camera systems
Cameras, lenses, light sources and accessories

Industrial software development
Finished products:
Unique developments:
Development of embedded systems
Data collection
Result and data visualization
Device and communication interfacing
Measurement technology:
integrated into production lines or standalone
measurement and/or inspection systems